Big Four Ice Caves

Big Four Mountain, WA | August 2014

Hiking to the Big Four Ice Caves has been on my list for quite awhile, but in all fairness, there's a lot always on my list! Anyway, I was so excited to finally get to this spot and hike with my favorites on a warm summer day. The views just from the parking lot were incredible (the first image). The kids did great hiking just over two miles, having lunch in front of the caves, and carefully exploring around them. Extreme caution is advised as in the winter avalanches occur, in the summer ice/snow melts and drops.

There are waterfalls you can just barely see at the tops of the mountain above the caves, which flow behind and under the ice caves. It's really incredible. Being in the Cascades is breathtaking wherever you go. I'm anxious to explore so much more of this area, I'm not sure you rightfully can get to everything in a lifetime without extreme dedication! One sure can try though ;).


I married that boy


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