An October Story

Every so often, I will feel a pang of comparison at the type of photography I wish I could do. Oftentimes those photographers lead completely different lives and I find myself thinking “some day”. Comparison is about the worse place for a creator’s mind to go, because it hinders your ability to create art where you are now. Looking at what others are doing is a dangerous game to play, it’s suffocating and not worth an ounce of time. Yet we all do it. After giving myself permission to feel the way I was, I quickly reminded myself that what I have now is beautiful too.

I recently began following @everydaydeelights on Instagram and the first photo of hers I saw drew me in. It was the caption, however, that really gave me perspective, “Imagine the person you want to be, the life you want to live. What would their mornings look like? What would their daily routines and habits be? If you want to be that person, start imagining those details and slowly start assuming that identity. Eventually, you will become that person. But always remember, you are uniquely you and you have something different to offer this life of yours.”

While I am not photographing the grand landscapes of the world, I do have a lot within reach. I need to remind myself the pace of life is unique to everyone and we all do the best we can. I am in my favorite season of life and of the year right now. If creating is what brings me to life, then using what I have and making the absolute best that I can with that is where my focus needs to be.

On the first day of October, my family and I went out first thing in the morning to grab coffee and take a walk. The morning was beautiful and quickly warmed. We treated ourselves to seasonal drinks, a walk through the farmer’s market, and long stroll along the waterfront. Even Van Gogh was able to see the beauty outside his hospital window and created incredible works of art.

If you’ve read about the PNW Photo Collective photography group, the writing and photo prompts have kept me motivated. You can sign up here and I hope you do, it’s been amazing to connect with others who enjoy creating for the fun of it. The photos are for the prompt fall colors and the writing is inspired by the prompt Pace of the season. You can jump in anytime and simply enjoy the process of being mindfully in the present through words and images, a rounded experience of storytelling.


Fall Family Sessions + Holiday Cards


Shades of Autumn